Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Why MS word is better than Notebook writing

Ombeer Sharma


Why do we use MS Word?


MS word is a software just like a Notebook we used but with many advanced features.

To know more about the advanced features let’s check out what we generally do in a Notebook.


People generally used Notebook.


1.      Student

2.      Teacher / Trainer

3.      Businessman

a.      Shopkeeper

b.      Salesman

4.      Artists

5.      Filmmaker

6.      Females

a.      Grocery list

b.      Shopping list

c.      Expenses



How do people use notebooks?


·        A student writes down what happens in the classroom.

·        Teacher note down what to tell the students.

·        A Businessman record the activities of the business.

·        A Shopkeeper makes a record of purchases and sales.

·        A Sales keeps eye on the sales activities.

·        An artist records his ideas.

·        A filmmaker records his scripts.

·        Females not down the household activities.


Why MS Word is better than notebooks?


A notebook is good for small purposes, but there are some important issues with the notebook.

The issues are:

·        A notebook can be lost. Your all data is lost.

·        Editing of documents invites strike through on the page. Make your notes dirty.

·        You cannot easily apply effects like Bold, italics, and underline. They can either be wrong.

·        You cannot easily add diagrams.

·        You cannot easily arrange the lists.

·        You cannot find the words and replace them easily in notebooks.

·        You cannot embed the pictures.

·        Handwriting issues.

·        You cannot play with the borders easily.


Merits of MS Word over Notebook.


With the help of MS word, you can edit your document easily, format, apply borders and shading, colors, list making, find and replace, apply hyperlinks, and bookmarks, embed pictures, and 3d shapes, save on the cloud, backups, review, auto page number, auto spelling correctness, Working with tables, Design formatting, and much more features. which makes your documentation easy.


Some extraordinary features we can use like Mailings in MS Word.


MS Word is far better than writing the task in the notebook, but they should be regular and quiet in length.